I’m so tired and the working week hasn’t even started yet 😮‍💨 Plus I’m on call this week as well 😢 sheesh!

Thankful that my wife flies back from Amsterdam tomorrow though. ❤️

PLUTO ★★★★☆

Anime-styled promotional artwork for “PLUTO,” featuring a range of characters including a young boy, a man in a suit holding a rocket, and several robots and distinctive individuals, with a fiery background and the title “PLUTO” in stylized text

I really enjoyed this. Never watched anything remotely “Astroboy” before (this is an adult/noir reimagining of one of the stories from I think the 60’s). The ending feels slightly rushed but the slow buildup and story reveal is great.

Episode 2 in particular surrounding music would have been amazing on its own. Worth a look.

Oh, the soundtrack is amazing as well.

Making beef stew (in the slow cooker) to be served later with mash and dumplings. Can’t think of a more relaxed way to spend a Sunday 😌

Slow cooker cookin’ is some of my favourite cookin’ 👨‍🍳

Manners Maketh Man

My son has a part time gig in a local coffee shop on the weekends and came home a bit disheartened yesterday as some guy got angry he wasn’t immediately served whilst my son was loading the dishwasher. This guy yelled at him for a few minutes then stormed out.

He loves this job, he loves coffee, loves engaging with the people. He’s made good friendships through this position, and it’s great to watch him flourish in this role. But as well as the good, you’re always gonna get the bad like this.

Having got over my initial reaction of wanting to go “Liam Neeson” on this man, I came to the quite sad conclusion that this is increasingly how people think they can act nowadays with people providing a service.

This bitter growing rumbling spiteful hosepiped rage directed towards these truly inconsequential matters. Imagine the multitude of ways this bitter buffon could channel his energy better within his day.

I did retail in my youth, and even now in my technology position I’m still providing and supporting a service. I still get ranty shouty people in my professional life, and I can track my experience over the decades in how I can recognise and deal with over aggressive people.

Having the ability to stay stoic, rational and process this sort of behaviour, then switch off from it is a skill you have to cultivate over time. Heck, I’m still teaching myself this skill with every interaction I have. I still don’t always get it right.

Some will say you never know what people are going through to make them act that way. Whilst that’s true, We all carry our particular brand of bullshit every day.

Welcome to the party pal! We’re all here!

Succinctly. Manners. Maketh. Man.

I’ve had some truly shitty days in my life (Who hasn’t) and I’ve never felt the urge to raise my voice as a random stranger who’s providing a service. Even if I must be forceful or if I’m in disagreement (on whichever side of the desk I’m on within that interaction), I am polite, respectful and will accept a decision1 or an explanation.

I’m sure there’s a link to this behaviour with the way the political landscape is shifting. Tolerance is down, hatred and anger is sadly up. That’s why it’s even more important to stand tall, calm and rational against this sort of thing. Be who you want to be. Be better than that. Smell the flowers, be present and don’t react in kind.

Remember the 100 people who liked what you did ❤️

Forget the one asshole who didn’t… 😂

  1. Even if I will take a subsequent, different action towards resolution later such as writing a letter. I won’t get ranty with the person serving me. I will just re-assess and re-plan. ↩︎

Beautiful morning today 🌅 More of this please!

A room with a view of an outdoor setting through a large window during sunrise. The sunlight casts shadows of plants onto a curtain. Visible through the window are a lush yucca plant, parts of a tree, and a sky with scattered clouds.

Snapped this on the walk home last night. 🐦🥶

Two pigeons perched on the bare branches of a tree with a clear sky and a building roof in the background.

Switched up where I buy my matcha. Got about 2/3rds more product for 2/3rd of the price. Still tastes just as good!

A tanooki/raccoon themed cup containing vibrant green matcha tea on a wooden table

Took today off using the last of my holiday allowance before it refreshes in April. Apart from a call I have to be on at 10am I have a day on my own!

My dear wife is flying to Amsterdam with friends. Kids will be at school. Just little old me roaming the halls… and Trio my cat of course!

Mars After Midnight is out of the playdate. Downloading it now! 🎮

Video Game Poster for Mars After Midnight showing several aliens faces

Site update! I have added a little blogroll and put some lovely Microbloggers on there. I have ideas for categories in the future as well! 🤔

Excited to have a play with adding a blogroll to my site soon!

✈️ Japan Diaries : Day 9 Hiroshima

A cityscape view with densely packed houses and buildings set against a backdrop of green, rolling hills under a clear, blue sky.

We woke up to news reports of the incoming Typhoon Lan on the news and rumours of disruption to public transport. The Japan Rail website was being updated through the day so we were keeping an eye on the weather. For now however, blue skies and heat was persisting as we made our way to the train station to get to Hiroshima.

Read More →

Micro.Blog vs Other Social Media

As well as micro.blog I’ve been checking into threads and Bluesky a little lately.

Micro.Blog I’ve seen lovely, interesting posts from people that I’ve had back and forth conversations with. People I know stuff about. People that I like.

Bluesky like Twitter before it seems to be a nice place if you’re famous, but not very welcoming for an average Joe.

What Threads seems to like to show me is borderline unhinged.

I started here and was driven by a place to host my blog. I’m not as social or active on here as others, but this is a really special little community, and I’m happy I’m here on it. ❤️

In laws around ours tonight for takeaway (fish & chips) so popped into the supermarket on the way home from the cinema for a few bits we needed.

Speaking of classic cinema I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse on this curious collab 🍝🤌

Me, in my kitchen holding a jar of Heinz The Godfather pasta sauce.

Back from Dune : Part Two

🤯 Amazing and beautiful film. High sci-fi done proper. Can’t wait to see it again.

Also realised I never posted the end result of my Ornithopter so here we go.

A Lego model of a dune ornithopter anchored on a wooden surface with a line of Lego minifigures in various outfits standing beside it.

A LEGO model of a dune ornithopter with six LEGO minifigures arranged in front on a wooden shelf.

🏜️🐛⚔️ Tickets booked for Dune : Part Two today. Very excited to go and see it!

Watching my son (15) play Goldeneye. A game I myself played when I was myself 17 years old.

A game that came out 27(😳!) years ago! 🎮

Still an all time banger that holds up great!

The Playdate sale has really recharged my interest in the machine (Although it is a lovely desk clock when not in use).

I picked up

I already own but can recommend from the sale

Be happy to hear what anyone else has picked up! 🎮

Corporate proxies that require authentication and apps developers use appear to be like oil and water. Developers on Micro.Blog, do you use local proxy tools to forward requests? How do you deal with this sorta thing? 🤔

Today at work was an important lesson in remembering you can’t fix everything yourself, nor should you have to and that way be monsters and madness if you try… 💆‍♂️

Take a breath, prioritise, do what you sensibly can and don’t overextend. Look after yourself and your own brain. 💪