A rustic scene with two people walking by a pond in front of a building with a large tree

So the first week of the year is completed now and we’re well into the swing of things already with work, school and general family life as the holiday period comes to an end… 💪

  • 💨 We did our yearly family tradition of visiting Portland Bill to blow away the old year and welcome in the new. You can read about that here

  • 🥗 Operation Keep Fit is well underway. I’ve done IF all this week, cut out alcohol (Apart from Friday’s) and I’m counting my calories. I feel much better within myself already!1

  • 📚 I’m reading a really interesting book on Stoicism The Stoic Challenge which I’m pretty sure was recommended by someone on M.B. But I cannot find the post again for the life of me.2 I’m finding this a really useful framework for looking at problems and setbacks. Especially with the current weather we’ve had and the problems it brings, and the fact the dishwasher appears to be dying as well!

  • Speaking of the weather, rain has made way to a cold spell, but we do finally have sun on occasion! Here’s to more of that! We really want to get out and do some long walking soon! 🥾

  • 🧑‍💻 Doing a bit of a App review, Subscription Tidy and kicking some stagnant apps to the kerb, and welcoming in some really cool new experiences has been a really powerful motivator for examining workflows, knowledge and switching things up!

  1. “Imagine that! Just as I’ve been telling you for ages” my wife says to me 🤭. As is often, she is absolutely right… ↩︎

  2. Sorry whoever it was! If by chance you do read this, please let me know! ↩︎