My son is doing one of his A-Levels in photography, and his teacher gave him a “Half Mile” or “neighbourhood” challenge where you photograph what’s around where you live. I thought it sounded fun, so I went out with him and did my own version of the challenge alongside him on my iPhone! 🙂🤳

I decided to use this as an opportunity to push myself a bit out of my comfort zone and edit some of these outside of the usual style I’d put on my photos, and apply some techniques I don’t use so often, such as black and white, white vignettes, grain and so on. Also shooting things I typically wouldn’t focus on such as photos of animals, street photography that includes people as a focus and so on. I’m quite pleased how these came out and we had a really lovely morning adventuring around. 😊

Black and white photo of an indoor market setting with covered stalls, a few individuals visible, and a sign reading “ENSORS MARKET OFFICE” with a telephone number.

A black and white photograph of a heavily damaged car parked on a street with broken and missing parts, including doors and windows, with people walking by in the background.

A variety of vintage items displayed on a table at a flea market, including a teddy bear, an old television, assorted pottery, and metal teapots, with parked cars and people in the background.

Black and white photo of the side of a building with textured walls, showing signs of weathering and streaks. Anti-climb spikes line the top edge. A roof of an adjacent building is visible in the bottom left corner.

A tree trunk covered in green moss with a treecreeper bird on it, extending into bare branches against a bright sky.

A person standing on a low fence leaning forward to photograph something out of frame, surrounded by bare tree branches against a backdrop of city buildings and parked cars.

A squirrel perched on a tree branch surrounded by green foliage.

A weathered metal plaque with the letter “S” mounted on a brick wall.

A pale blue wooden door set within a brick wall, with an arched brick lintel above and a cast iron downpipe to the right.

Construction workers in high visibility clothing assembling scaffolding beside a historic building.