Half Term is done with and the kids are back at school today, but I’d taken a long weekend off from work and myself and my wife went to Lyme Regis to do some fossil digging, roaming and eating. We didn’t find anything breathtaking, just some small partial ammonite’s and sea glass, but it was fun to roam around the beach. there’s a beautiful desolation to this beach with its slowly crumbling Jurassic rock, rusted remains of random machinery and sea water.

A rocky beach with algae-covered stones, a tall dark cliff on the left, and several people in the distance under an overcast sky.

A rocky beach with a large uprooted tree stump lying at an angle, with people and a dog in the distance against a backdrop of cliffs and a cloudy sky.

The weather was poor and dark when we got there but soon lifted.

A rocky terrain with layered geological formations in a cliff and various sizes of stones scattered in the foreground.

Person bending over on a rocky beach with the sun reflecting off the ocean in the background.

Once we were done, we went to our “must visit” restaurant in Lyme, “Swim” who do the best nachos ever. I have never ordered a different dish at this place. They’re that good 👌

A plate of nachos topped with beef chili, guacamole, sour cream, diced tomatoes, and chopped green onions, with cutlery in a wooden holder and a smartphone on the table in the background.

We did buy assorted savoury and sweet snacks from Ammonite Fine Foods to tuck into tonight as well 😋.

Arriving home we’ve lazily pottered about this afternoon, drank tea, I edited my photos and wrote this up. I’m working on a slightly larger post about our recent trip to London and Battersea Power Station as well that I might get up tonight as well. If I can keep my eyes open whilst under this blanket 🥱🤣