The first “Stuff” post since February! How terribly unreliable of me 😱 1

A cake with strawberries peeking through in a cooked jammy state on a cooling rack overlooking a modern kitchen setting.

Summer is allegedly coming for us even though you wouldn’t tell from the large majority of the recent weather, but it’s officially Strawberry Summer Cake Season so I thought I’d write this up as the cake cools on the rack.

  • 📷 I well and truly failed the photo challenge this month, and that’s ok! If you’re not feeling it you’re not feeling it. I’ve just been too busy and couldn’t get my head into a proper place to get the rhythm going.

  • 👨‍💻 A big part of what’s been keeping me busy is work, where a lot of projects, and some snags have all decided to hit within the same weeks in May causing a few late nights and a lot of planning. It’s a bank Holiday here Monday however, and I have Tuesday booked off as well so will have a good period of time to unplug. The past 6 months I feel like I’ve been really good at consistently keeping my work/life balance in check. Next thing to focus on is to stop over-extending whilst working which is still something I’m bad about. 😅

  • 🚂 Went to Southampton yesterday and did a little bit of retail therapy. Nothing too crazy, just some bits and bats and lunch from the incredible Slim Chickens. We had some sunshine for what feels like the first time in a very long time and it was good to wander around with my youngest and have a bit of fun.
    I was tempted in John Lewis seeing an open return boxed Apple Studio display for around £300 cheaper than retail and it was the exact model I wanted (Normal glass, VESA mount). I couldn’t justify it however as I already have my eye on the expensive purchase of….

  • 📱 New iPads! I know there’s a lotta shade about the state of iPadOS at the moment and it’s getting dunked on for being underpowered vs the amazing hardware it sits under, but I still love my iPad and find myself using it more than my laptop. I love the modular nature, so I’m all in for a new Pro, the new keyboard and the new pencil. Very exited for the conference on the 7th!

  • 🥾 Myself and my wife are going for a hike around Portland on Tuesday as we’re off together. We’ll get some lunch after and we’re going to a DIY store to buy some bits to tackle the ever growing list of…

  • 👷‍♂️ DIY stuff that needs to be done around the house. We’re less leaky that we were last year 2, but there’s still a lot to do. We’re going to tackle a bunch of the low hanging fruit jobs over the next month and build up the the larger stuff that we need a bit of more specialist help with.

    I hate dealing with this stuff and find it really difficult to deal with, but it’s just a part of home ownership…especially if you have a 100+ old house like we do..

  • 🎮 Game wise, I’m enjoying mopping up RDR1 on Nintendo Switch. I finished FF16 on PS5 and have moved onto Rise Of The Ronin 3 which is exposing me to all sorts of really interesting Japanese history about the end of the Edo period. I like Delta on my iOS devices, but I need a better control method…touch just ain’t cuttin’ it.

Anyway, I’ve soon got potatoes to mash and a pie to cook for the family soon, so I’m going to relax a bit and I’ll see you all next week!

  1. I don’t really care 🤣 I write when I want to write. ↩︎

  2. Although I’m not sure if I’d call us totally waterproof yet… Dang chimneys and difficulty finding skilled people that can look at said chimneys ↩︎

  3. I’m playing on easy, because I’m all about playing games to enjoy them as I get older. ↩︎